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Lately, Organic Farming is being taken as one of the agendas in budget. While the country is stepping towards development the rising health concerns due to exhausting usage of pesticides has become a cause of concern. Government is taking necessary steps in order to promote organic crops and encourage farmers to adapt traditional methods of organically farming.

Since the word “organic farming” is indeed making news every now and then, you must be wondering what exactly it is? And how is it making the difference to our food?


In several simple terminologies organic farming is the kind of farming in which the farmer profusely uses natural substance such as cow dung instead of chemicals and pesticides. The organically grown vegetables, fruits or groceries are healthier to consume since they are devoid of any pesticides and chemicals. The pure organic farming methods are where the crops are grown with the help of organic fertilisers. Some of the organic insecticides and decomposed matters such as leaves and insectsare used. In this kind of farming there is absolutely no interference inorganic fertilisers which is why the crops grown through pure organic farming methodologies are said to be safest.


Soil fertility – Since organic farming methods retain the fertility of the soil, problems like soil erosions are avoided. It prevents the land from degrading letting the farmer sow it for a longer span of time.

Healthy produce – The output of organic farming tends to be healthier as compared to the inorganic produce. Since there is no usage of pesticides in the process the fruits turn out to be nutritionally rich and healthy to consume.

Minimum input – Opting for organic farming reduces the cost of production to a larger extent. Since the input is natural the farmer need not spend much in buying pesticides and fertilizers which cuts down the cost of production drastically.

Multiple crops – Using the organic methods of farming you nourish the soil with variety of nutrients making it capable of producing more than one type of crops. On the contrary if you use fertilisers and pesticides you land loses its other properties forcing you to grow only one type of crops.

Organic farming adds life to your soil and prevents desertification to a larger extent. The produce is healthier and most importantly the organic methods of farming are friendly to the farmer’s budget.

We strongly stand in the support of organically produced food item. Our organic products are tested on multiple levels under stringent quality control measures.